My New Year Resolutions: In 2020 I want to.....................

Christmas is a time of potential over indulgence, you spend too much; you eat too much; you drink too much and you party too much.  BLAH BLAH BLAH!  Every year I get to Boxing day and pledge that next year this is going to change, it will be different. This feeling of waste seems to escalate as the week goes on. "What`s happened, I`m skint!?!"  I seem to ignore looking at the bank balance. If I don`t look it hasn`t happened. Everything will be fine. 

 It`s a very strange week Christmas week, first you get the feeling of joy, peace and goodwill to all men, then that......what`s it all about? feeling, then an urge to literally clear the decks, cleanse the soul and enter into another year a better person.  I feel that the New Years Resolution is a personal concept, a key to becoming this improved version of yourself.  Isn`t Human nature a funny thing?

So then how am I going to transform myself into this better person?  Firstly i`ve decided that i`m going to learn something new.  I do enjoy making cakes but decorating cakes is an area which I have usually shied away from, placing little importance on what a cake looks like more on what it tastes like.  But I have noticed that cakes are now very fashionable and people are willing to pay big bucks for decorated cakes.  I needs to make you aware at this point that I have no intention of charging for anything I make.  No one would buy them as I would be the first to admit that I am probably the plain Jane in cake world.  So, should I jump on the Band Wagon and go on a course to learn this?  Why not!?!  Justifying this, it will be a new experience and make me a more multi-functioning, contemporary, truly fabulous woman.  Won`t it?SURELY.

The cost of taking this course brings me onto my second resolution as it is at loggerheads with my thrifty side.  Do I need to go on a course to learn such a trivial thing?  Do I need those shoes in the sale or that apparent must-have bargain on QVC (Although it is on easy-pay 😕).  No I definitely do not!  I need to increase  my thriftiness.  I have for a number of years been an advocate of writing lists when going shopping - it does reduce what you spend (unless you go with my Husband).  The other day I had my list, my sense of wellbeing and when we got to the checkout I discovered that he had put a large packet of chewing gum on with the rest of the shopping.  I glared at him and said "What is this?" He laughed suggesting that I was in the wrong career and that I should have been a Teacher!  OMG!  I sound like a crazy women but hey, its all or nothing...........isn`t it?  

I have thought alot about thriftiness.  Why spend top notch for something when you could get it cheaper.  I love a sale or buying something second-hand as not only do you get the history of the item but you can build a more characterful home.  I could talk about this ALOT so will do another blog totally about this.  Sometimes I feel that thriftiness stems from my childhood which was very simple.  Nobody mentioned money, you didn`t get lots of clothes and food was very basic.  Good home cooked food but basic.  I was fourteen before I ever had pizza.  I thought it was awful, alien to what we ate.  

For my 3rd resolution I pledge...... maybe not pledge,  should I say aim to keep up with my laundry.  What a nightmare.   I don`t know what it is, as I quite enjoy doing laundry but REALLY it is such a thankless, never ending task.  You can clear the area one day and next day it has quadrupled.  How is that!?!  Where does it come from?  My Husband has this annoying tendency to point out the obvious.  "There is something that smells in here"    
Really sherlock! its probably your sticking sweaty socks, so put them in the washer yourself. 😠  So there you have it - I have to improve or delegate.  

This brings me to the finale and Cliche of my resolutions.  To keep myself fit.  I do not crave exercise.  They say that endorphins are released during exercise that make you feel good about yourself.  I want this!  About five to six months ago my work colleagues decided we all needed exercise.  We joined a Zumba class.  The room was so small, it was hot outside and there was alot of people.  A recipe for disaster.  Maybe it was all in my mind or the fact I was so unfit but I couldn`t breath and my face looked like it had been burnt it was so red.  "Please god make it stop"  So I swore I wouldn`t go back as it was obviously bad for you. But the next week I was there and some one brought a fan to ensure I didn`t collapse. BONUS!   

A couple of months later we started Boogie Bounce.  May I tell you-  this is even worse.  The instructor is absolutely crazy.  The music is just so loud its just noise, but we laugh and laugh and cry with absolute pain. I have thought about going to the gym but I wouldn`t go!  It has to be sociable for me with my friends.  There are so many other things you can do to keep fit rather than going to the expense of joining a gym as you have to be very committed and dedicated.  I am neither of these things but i`m happy with that and urge anyone to seek their own way of attempting to keep fit.  I will say that it does genuinely make you feel good.

So there it is- my list of resolutions.  First time i`ve written about them.  Will it be my last?  We`ll see.  
