Coronavirus life............... but not as we know it?

What is happening?  We all appear to be trapped in some sort of nightmare?  If this is true, can we wake up now please......I don`t like it!!!!  CORONA VIRUS or COVID 19, what ever the label used has globally affected the lives of most of us. I was thinking.... if we were able to fast forward life one year, what would it be like?  Would this mess be over and everyone back to normal life?  Or would life be filled with blame, regret, sadness, resentment and even revenge?  However I do feel that there is a glimmer of hope, brought to us every Thursday night at 8 O`clock, that life may be filled with solidarity, camaraderie and benevolence.

Theories are well documented about the origin or potential purpose of this virus.  Everybody and their dog seems to have an opinion on why this is happening.  But WHY NOT?!?!?!  Nobody really knows what the hell is going they????  Some of the theories are so shocking they can`t be true....Surely.  Some say it originated from a Bat..... or was it Bill Gates?  Others are convinced that it is a man made virus to deal with over population.  Some feel that it is a biological weapon or was it just a fluke accident.  Whatever the cause we are here, we are alive and we have to deal with it.  Today Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain pointed out that he believed in Aliens, as the pentagon had released photos of UFOs, to which Dr Hillary Jones added with tongue in cheek, that the Aliens may be coming to help us!  I would question at this point as to why in this current climate, the thought of an Alien invasion be so unbelievable, as nothing seems real at the moment.....anything seems possible,  maybe the Aliens have brought us the virus and we are merely one big petri dish.  Piers Morgan, in your own words "THE WORLD`S GONE NUTS!

 The Prime Minister had been admitted to ITU with seriously deteriorating corona Virus ..... I won`t tell you a lie, I felt Anxious.  I can only liken it to how I felt when hearing of times such as the shocking death of Princess Diana or the unnecessary death of the beautiful Caroline Flack. That awful sinking feeling of dread and disbelief.  Prior to his illness Boris Johnson had become such a household name and certainly appeared to be stepping up to the plate. I would go so far as to say that he had become so ingrained in our daily lives, that at 5 o`clock every evening we were huddled around the TV anticipating news of  hope and leadership, hanging on every word and eager to hear decisively how he was to drive us through this utter carnage.

And so it began, the daily evolving strategy, weeks of drip fed information, instructions and data. The threat of lockdown was looming and the world was going crazy.  Supermarkets were being stripped, you couldn`t get your hands on toilet roll or paracetamol and certainly not hand sanitizer. It was so strange!  I remember they know something I don`t?  Well, I`ll have to buy some too JUST IN CASE!   I honestly couldn`t quite believe what I was seeing, there was a real sense of hysteria. Although I was trying not to stock pile, my Mother, (who I have to say, has been stockpiling on an apocalyptic scale for years), contacted me several times a day to ask " Have you bought any paracetamol?...........Have you bought any Toilet roll?   No I have not!!   I could feel her utter anxiety and panic at my self neglect, putting myself at risk by not buying all that any shop had to offer.

Now we are weeks into lockdown.  Boris is Back...Yey  Has it made the situation better - not really.  Am I, along with alot of other people just a little tad dubious about how the government has dealt with the whole situation.....Yes.  But in reality could they have done it any different.  Were we just too late to react?  I felt the urgency and panic of Boris and his bunch of merry men when this was unfolding, delivering help to the needy in the form of Furlough and pledges of money to save businesses dealt with the hand of a dealer in a poker game.......Boom......Boom.....Boom.......Take Some Money!   Didn`t you find this a little suspicious?!?!  Money from the government!  FOR FREE!  They would say it was to maintain employment and save the economy.  I would question that they knew they had missed the boat to adequately contain this virus and were compensating as they knew that nobody would stay at home, in lockdown if they were desperate for money hense spreading the disease.  Method in the government`s Madness, or their necessity, should I say.

I am a Community Nurse working in the NHS. I cannot tell you a lie and say that I have loved my job, quite the opposite really. I feel that in recent years Nurses working for the NHS have been undervalued in all manner of departments and under paid. We have had our wages capped, nurses have been physically abused and reduced staffing levels have added to the overall feeling of insignificance. 

 I myself have felt disillusioned in my role within the NHS although I was so excited to get this position.   In days gone by, District nurses were experienced nurses working in the community.  I am a very experienced Nurse but am unable to call myself a "District Nurse" as I have not gained a further degree to enable me to be management.  I do not want to be a manager! I want to be a Nurse.  Gone are the days of "pop in Calls", today nurses that work within the community are dynamic, forward thinking, hardworking, very informed individuals and I feel we deserve the more familiar, trusted and respected title of District Nurse.  I regularly speak to patients on the phone who hesitate when you say "Community Nurse" then instantly awaken when "District Nurse" is mentioned.  Additionally we are mistaken regularly for Carers who work for Care providers.  Why you may ask?!  Partly because of the word "community", which is very non specific and also maybe because of the uniform. 

They have recently generalised NHS nurses`uniform, which I feel are awful with no distinction, adding to the feeling of insignificance.  You can buy these uniforms from amazon and they can regularly be seen worn by carers in care homes.  OMG I have even seen the cleaner wear the community matron`s uniform. On numerous occasions I have been mistaken for a carer in a patient`s house.  Surely this cannot be right that patients are unable to indentify who is the nurse!  Surely this has potential to be unsafe!  Uniforms are EVERYTHING! You wouldn`t be able to buy a uniform for a Police officer, Fire Fighter or a member of the Armed Forces from Amazon!  We pay to have our names on a "professional" register....... Yet why are we not treat like professionals?  How a person dresses and what they are called goes along way to possessing "pride" in the job.  What do they say?......FIRST IMPRESSIONS COUNT!   Put a bit more thought into it Please!!  They wonder why nurses are leaving the profession in droves.  I know these points sounds insignificant in the great scheme of things but they are my reasons why I regularly considered leaving the profession.

Surely Covid 19 has enlightened the government as to why retention of experienced staff within the NHS is vital. The NHS staff that have heroically lost their lives because of this hideous virus are testament to the dedication, compassion and resilience of the NHS work force.  It is a fantastic institution and following the events of the last two months I can honestly say that I now feel proud and quite emotional to say that I work alongside such people.  I feel proud to go to work feeling that we have a job to do, a mission to help each other and keep everyone safe. 

 Across the nation Rainbows, Scarecrows, Music, Captain Tom, donations and of course clapping every Thursday night at eight signifies hope, generosity and gratitude. I have received flowers from my own Neighbours and the weekly clap has evolved into an excuse for a chit chat, maintaining social distancing rules of course.  We talk about how we are going to celebrate once its all ended.  I hope it`s soon I miss my family.  
